Microdosing Psilocybin Truffles
Do you want to get the most out of your life? Then we have good news for you! With Psychedelic Psilocybin Microdosing XP you can take your life to the next level. Microdosing with magic truffles ensures more creativity, energy and efficiency. The most successful people in Silicon Valley do this every day, as do two Nobel laureates.
Why microdosing with Psilocybin Truffles is recommended
Magic truffles have been known for years for their mind-altering effect. Many recreational users take magic truffles for visual hallucinations, but with microdosing you will not experience a high feeling or visual hallucinations. Psychedelic Microdosing means that you take a little bit of magical truffles every day. This is such a small amount that you can continue to function normally, but at a higher level. This makes you better at work, more creative in your solutions, more energetic in your life.
Why microdosing with Psilocybin Truffles also takes place in the office
Using the product Psychedelic Psilocybin Microdosage XP enriches your life. It does this in several ways. In Silicon Valley, the place where one invention after another is developed, most people use magic truffles on a 'microdosing' level on a daily basis. Of course they don't just do this. It stimulates creativity and productivity. And that is necessary to survive in the jungle of Silicon Valley, to keep up and to be able to lead the way. Innovations move so fast there that you simply cannot afford not to perform at the highest level every day.
The Effects of Microdosing with Psilocybin Truffles
When you list the effects of Psychedelic Psilocybin Microdosing XP, you immediately see that it is interesting for everyone to give this a try. The benefits are overwhelming:
- More concentration power
- Increase your productivity
- More creativity
- Strengthens your problem-solving ability
- More energy and you feel better in your own skin
- Increase your perseverance
- Better night's sleep
With this list of advantages you see that you can get more out of your life, both privately and professionally. Various people indicate that they feel less anxious, less depressed and that their sporting performance is improving. This is also the reason why the microdoses of psilocybin truffles from Microdosing XP are so popular in our webshop.
How do you use microdoses of Psilocybin Truffles?
Although people in Silicon Valley microdose daily, it is advised not to use microdoses of psychedelic substances daily. This is because you can easily build up a tolerance to the effects of psychedelic microdosing. That is why people in Silicon Valley do not use continuously. There are often some rest periods of a few weeks in between to prevent the effect from weakening. The advice for "psychedelic microdosing" in terms of dosage is as follows:
A 1 Pack Microdosing XP contains 6 servings/microdoses of psylocybin truffles. The dosage is quite simple. On days 1 and 2 you take a dose, then you rest for 2 days and then repeat the process again. So if you take a dose on Monday and Tuesday, for example, then on Friday and Saturday you would take doses 3 and 4, etc. So it's a 4 day cycle that keeps repeating continuously. So with a 1 pack Microdosing XP you can go 12 days ahead. You can of course continue to function every day.
Psilocybin Relieves Cluster Headaches & Migraines
One of the worst types of headaches is cluster headaches. This terrible headache is sometimes called the "suicide headache" because of its excruciating painful symptoms. The pain usually clusters on one side of the head, behind the eye or near the temple. Characteristically, the inside of the eye turns red behind where the cluster headache is located. This headache is one of the most severe headaches and is many times more intense than a migraine. In the Netherlands there are approximately 10.500 people with cluster headaches and 5% of the entire population regularly suffers from migraines.
Numerous studies have been done on treating headaches with the microdosing of psilocybin truffles and as many as 80% of the people who participated in these studies have seen significant relief in attenuating the severity of the shooting pains. Psilocybin is converted by the body into psilocin and this substance works together with the serotonin receptors / serotonin household, which in turn is responsible for the processing of pain stimuli, memory, appetite, mood, self-confidence, sleep, etc. The microdosing of psilocybin truffles has many advantages . The shamans in the Amazons or Central America knew this for thousands of years and therefore also used mushrooms (psilocybin) and other plant species such as Ayahuasca (DMT) to fight physical or mental ailments and diseases.
Why is it important to microdose with Psilocybin for at least 1 month
Microdosing is taking small amounts of psychedelics. Taking small doses of psilocybin truffles will improve your performance in all areas, both at work and socially. Your mood will improve, tranquility will make its entrance and creativity is something you will be confronted with on a daily basis. Because of the micro doses, you do not suffer from the heavy effects such as a hallucination trip that can be present with a normal (larger) dose. James Fadiman (Stanford University, Harvard University), a guru who has conducted numerous studies on the use and effect of microdosing psilocybin truffles, swears by a minimum course of 4 to 8 weeks for maximum results. It is very important to keep a kind of diary where you ask yourself the same questions every day in order to monitor and observe the changes. Make a list of points for attention and rate it every day (also on non-microdosing days) with a number.
Magic Truffles contain the following nutritional values per 100 grams
- Energy 464,7 kJ
- Energy 110,5 kcal
- Carbohydrates 13,2 grams
- Protein 5,3 grams
- Fat 0,4 grams
- Dietary fiber 16,7 grams
- Salt (NaCl) 0,3 grams
- Vitamin D 10,0 IU
- Sodium (Na) 13,6mg
- Phosphorus (P) 169,3 mg
- Potassium (K) 210,0 mg
- Calcium (Ca) 12,5mg
- Iron (F) 0,7 mg
Storing Microdoses of Psilocybin Truffles
This 1 Pack of Psychedelic Psilocybin Microdosing XP can be kept refrigerated for 5 to 12 weeks. You do this in a refrigerator that is set between 3 and 5 ºC. When you open the package you can keep it for another 3 weeks. It is smarter to cut out the portions, so that you can leave the rest of the packaging closed for the portions that you are not yet going to use, so that they are better preserved.